Monday, September 1, 2008

Bicycle Crash

I have no pictures, but I was hit by a pickup truck while riding my bicycle to work on Tuesday, August 19th. I was entering a cross walk on a green light when the guy decided to turn right on a red light. I hit my brakes, the back tire started to lift, and I think he hit my left handle bar. This spun the right handle bar into my right ribs and I went over the top of the bike, did a shoulder roll, knocked my head a little (no helmet - you can scold me later) and hopped up with the wind knocked out of me. The driver and another couple stopped, helped me walk around a little, then I put the chain back on my bike and rode it home. I was fortunate. I have had some vertigo since then, but it seems to be resolving with time. My bike was almost totally unharmed.


Heather said...

I still feel really scared every time I think about that. At least the driver and another couple stopped to help. I'm glad you are alright:) I love you!

Gary said...

Glad you are okay - sounds like you may have been inches away from some damage. Someone is looking out for you